Risk Management

Protect your business

Block fraud, prevent disputes, and stay ahead of the latest fraud trends using advanced technology combined with customisable risk rules.

MoneyCollect risk management

Robust protection

Benefit from a range of powerful built-in risk tools including 3D Secure authentication, real-time machine learning, blacklist, IP, proxy detection, historical snapshots and the ability to run your own risk experiments.

Security first

Rigorous security checks, safe data storage, employee screenings and full regulatory compliance ensure that our platform is safe, stable and reliable. MoneyCollect is 100% PCI-DSS compliant – start accepting payments securely right away!

Security first

Rigorous security checks, safe data storage, employee screenings and full regulatory compliance ensure that our platform is safe, stable and reliable.

PCI-DSS Level 1 Certified

MoneyCollect is 100% PCI-DSS compliant - start accepting payments securely right away!


All payments on your checkout page are done through SSL connections to encrypt credit card numbers and customer account information.

Manage your disputes

Our chargeback management solutions allow you to target unrecognised card transactions and other potential disputes quickly and effectively. Access detailed reports via our dashboard for a clear overview of fraud and chargeback information.

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